Meaning Arrhenius Plot
What does Arrhenius Plot mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Arrhenius Plot. You can also add a definition of Arrhenius Plot yourself


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Arrhenius Plot

Graph that shows the logarithmic rate of heat production ln(q) versus the inverse temperature (l/T) in Kelvin. This results in a straight line with a gradient -Ea/R for single, non-autocatalyzed react [..]


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Arrhenius Plot

A plot of the natural logarithm of the rate constant, ln(k), against the reciprocal of temperature, 1/T. For a reaction with an A-factor independent of temperature, such a plot yields yields a straight line with gradient –( ΔE /R) and intercept on the y–axis of ln(A) from which activation energy, ΔE, and A may be deduced, respectively.
Source: (offline)


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Arrhenius Plot

A graphical plotting technique that allows extraction of the activation energy (Ea) for thermally activated processes (whose reaction rates are exponentially dependent on the temperature). It is based on the use of the Arrhenius law (reaction rate R = Aexp[-Ea/kT]). It also enables visualization of the relative dominance of competing reactions at d [..]
Source: (offline)

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